Richest Planet of The Universe

Richest Planet of The Universe W e are living in the beautiful planet. The surface of the earth is very beautiful. In this Universe and in our solar system the earth is just a small and insignificant planet. In addition to that, there are so many unknown stars waiting for our great discovery. When the word Richest comes in our mind, we all thinks about so many expensive things. But here is the great discovery for the golden planet. S o do you know about any planet in universe whose surface is covered with gold? Yes when it comes to gold, it must be exciting. Yes gold is rare on our earth, but the gold reserves on this planet are amazing. The synthesis of gold is also different from that of iron. G old is the only one that is generated by supernova explosion. And the supernova explosion is very rare, so directly gold is very rare. Previously, a satellite jointly developed by the United States, Britain and some European countries detected metal on a star in the constellation Cancer, a...