Water Cities - Five Beautiful Water Cities in The World

Five Beautiful Water Cities in The World D o you heard about the water cities? Yes, In this blog i will tell you about five most famous water cities in the world. Here i start with the first best water city in the world. 1. Venice Venice - Water city T he water city is born because only of water. Venice is built on over 100 individual islands. Venice is one of the world's most famous water city. It is born and looks beautiful only of water, and prosperous because of water. Venice - Water city V enice is one of the most romantic cities in the world. City architecture, operas, paintings etc have an most important status and influence in the world. The city is recognized as the one of the most beautiful water city in the world. People said that God shed tears here, to making it more crystal clear and tender. Venice, the city of water. Where cars cannot come and all transport goes by bridges and boats. Venice - Water city 2. ...